Martigeon's Notes:


My name is Martijn Cohen, I’m a physicist by education and an algorithmic artist by passion. Here is where I document things I have worked on, in the hope that it interests others.

  1. 01

    Algorithmic book cover

    A walk-through of the program I wrote to render the cover of my dissertation.
  2. 02

    Memorizing Spanish words

    How and why I created a desktop app to cram Spanish vocabulary as fast as possible.
  3. 03

    Basic procedural graphics

    Explaining the basic intuition behind procedural graphics using three minimal and self-contained C programs.
  4. 04

    Textbook-themed webdesign

    Designing a minimal flat-hierarchy website from scratch with Hugo.
  5. 05

    Escherly Seeds

    An algorithmic love letter I wrote to honor M. C. Escher. A detailed overview.